{"version":3,"file":"static/chunks/pages/startup-how-it-works-53cc7bf7bc5c2844.js","mappings":"sFACKA,OAAOC,SAAWD,OAAOC,UAAY,IAAIC,KAAK,CAC7C,wBACA,WACE,OAAO,EAAQ,U,gKCGjBC,GAAYC,EAAAA,EAAAA,IAAW,SAACC,GAAW,MAAC,CACxCC,aAAc,CACZC,QAAS,aAIPC,EAAkB,CACtB,CACEC,MAAO,IACPC,GAAI,aACJC,MAAO,WACPC,QACE,yHAEJ,CACEH,MAAO,IACPC,GAAI,cACJC,MAAO,kBACPC,SAAO,c,UACH,oN,QAICC,KAAE,IAAM,4C,QACRA,KAAE,IAAM,2D,QACRA,KAAE,IAAM,+B,QACRA,KAAE,IAAM,mEAIf,CACEJ,MAAO,IACPC,GAAI,aACJC,MAAO,8BACPC,QACE,kRAEJ,CACEH,MAAO,IACPC,GAAI,aACJC,MAAO,kBACPC,QACE,2PAEJ,CACEH,MAAO,IACPC,GAAI,YACJC,MAAO,uBACPC,QACE,mTAEJ,CACEH,MAAO,IACPC,GAAI,WACJC,MAAO,kBACPC,QACE,uGAEJ,CACEH,MAAO,IACPC,GAAI,aACJC,MAAO,gBACPC,QACE,4JAEJ,CACEH,MAAO,IACPC,GAAI,aACJC,MAAO,0BACPC,QACE,8KAIS,SAASE,IACtB,IAAMC,EAAUZ,IACVa,GAAOC,EAAAA,EAAAA,MAWb,OAAKD,EAAKA,MAIJ,c,mBAEDE,EAAAA,GAAQ,CACPP,MAAM,2CACNQ,YAAY,qEACZC,SAAW,GAAuC,OAArCC,+CAAqC,gBAClDC,IAAKD,+CACLE,SAAS,yB,QAEVC,MAAG,CAACC,UAAWV,EAAQT,a,mBACrBoB,EAAAA,EAAoB,CACnBf,MAAM,eACNC,QAAQ,wI,QAETe,EAAAA,EAAwB,CACvBC,aAAc,SAACC,GAAcD,OA5BhB,SAACC,GACTC,SAASC,eAAeF,GAChCG,eAAe,CAChBC,SAAU,SACVC,MAAO,MACPC,OAAQ,UAuByBP,CAAaC,O,QAE3CO,EAAAA,EAAuB,CAACC,SAAU7B,UApBhC,Q","sources":["webpack://_N_E/?4564","webpack://_N_E/./src/pages/startup-how-it-works.tsx"],"sourcesContent":["\n (window.__NEXT_P = window.__NEXT_P || []).push([\n \"/startup-how-it-works\",\n function () {\n return require(\"private-next-pages/startup-how-it-works.tsx\");\n }\n ]);\n if(module.hot) {\n module.hot.dispose(function () {\n window.__NEXT_P.push([\"/startup-how-it-works\"])\n });\n }\n ","import { makeStyles } from '@mui/styles';\nimport FlowChartHowItWorkSteps from 'components/common/FlowChartHowItWorkSteps';\nimport { StartupFlowChartMenuBoxs } from 'components/common/FlowChartMenuBoxs';\nimport FlowChartOfHowItWork from 'components/common/FlowChartOfHowItWork';\nimport { useStartupRoute } from 'hooks';\nimport { MetaTags } from 'components/common';\n\nconst useStyles = makeStyles((_theme) => ({\n HowItWorksBg: {\n display: 'block',\n },\n}));\n\nconst StartupStepJson = [\n {\n index: '1',\n id: 'first-step',\n title: 'Join POD',\n content:\n 'Sign up to create your Startup profile by providing basic details such as email ID, password and contact information.',\n },\n {\n index: '2',\n id: 'second-step',\n title: 'Submit Campaign',\n content: (\n <>\n Follow our simple and efficient process to create an engaging campaign.\n Let us know more about your startup by providing background information\n about your company and your fundraising journey so far, such as:\n
● Company name, location and vision\n
● Terms and traction of your current funding round\n
● Problem and Solution\n
● Pitch deck and other key files presented to investors\n >\n ),\n },\n {\n index: '3',\n id: 'third-step',\n title: 'Screening and Due Diligence',\n content:\n 'After we determine that a startup is a good fit, we proceed to the formal due diligence process. We review your company’s profile and complete independent research to better understand your business and will reach out to you to provide a few documents for the same.',\n },\n {\n index: '4',\n id: 'forth-step',\n title: 'Launch Campaign',\n content:\n 'After completing our due diligence, we will decide whether to offer the startup the opportunity to raise funds on our platform. If selected and after the proper documentation is prepared, the startup can launch/’go live’ on our platform.',\n },\n {\n index: '5',\n id: 'five-step',\n title: 'Funding Goal Reached',\n content:\n 'After launching a campaign, you have a timeline of 60 days to reach your goal amount. If your startup reaches its funding goal, the funds will be released from the escrow account which is maintained by the platform. If the funding goal hasn’t been met, the amount will be refunded to the investors.',\n },\n {\n index: '6',\n id: 'six-step',\n title: 'Campaign Closed',\n content:\n 'Our platform will send a formal notification to the investors about the campaign coming to a close.',\n },\n {\n index: '7',\n id: 'seven-step',\n title: 'Receive Funds',\n content:\n 'Once the above process is completed, the platform will transfer the amount raised in the fundraising campaign excluding the platform fee to the startup.',\n },\n {\n index: '8',\n id: 'eight-step',\n title: 'Issue Share Certificate',\n content:\n 'After receiving your funds, you can now issue Share Certificates with respect to the investments made. The Share Certificate will be sent out via email to the investors.',\n },\n];\n\nexport default function InvestorHowItWorks() {\n const classes = useStyles();\n const user = useStartupRoute();\n\n const getValueOfId = (data: string) => {\n const el = document.getElementById(data)!;\n el.scrollIntoView({\n behavior: 'smooth',\n block: 'end',\n inline: 'start',\n });\n };\n\n if (!user.user) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return (\n <>\n